

FRP Piping Metallic Piping and Other Materials

frp piping metallic piping and other materials

Steel is ductile. It will deform without breaking. FRP is non-ductile it will break once it reaches it’s ultimate strength but does not embrittle at low temperatures like thermoplastics (HDPE/PVC)

Steel is very stiff (modulus is 29 million PSI). FRP is less stiff, about 1.5 Million PSI. Need more pipe supports compared to steel but less than HDPE

Joints are much wider than steel or welded plastics like HDPE but similar to bonded plastics like PVC (typically 1 diameter wide). Need to keep supports away from joints


FRP is lighter than steel or aluminum but heavier than HDPE or PVC

  • 1.6 g/cm3 for FRP
  • 2.7 g/cm3 for Aluminum
  • 7.8 g/cm3 for Steel

FRP expands more than steel but less than HDPE

  • Need to allow room for expansion at elbows
  • 12 x 10-6 mm/mm/Deg C for Steel
  • 25 x 10-6 mm/mm/Deg C for FRP
  • 100 x 10-6 mm/mm/Deg C for HDPE